B2B FinTech.cz

New Financial Services for SME & Enterprises

  • FinTech* can deliver high value to large audience.
  • But it has also high barriers.
  • Many of them are just in the heads of people engaged.
  • So how to move faster in Fintech?
  • Discovery of the value in B2B fintech is not a simple task. Nor its delivery, communication and sales.

* new financial services based on the new possibilities of information technologies

Live & Comprehensive B2B Fintech Community

Juicy & Understandable B2B FinTech Scenarios

  • B2B Fintech usage scenarios are purely abstract pieces of work. You cannot see, touch, taste them.
  • Moreover you need to communicate several messages at once. How does it work? What are the benefits for who? Where are the money for who?
  • Let us discover the right format jointly.

B2B FinTech Scenario Cards - Invitation to discover greater detail

Enriched Payment Data Standard

Invoices Delivered By Bank

Further Topics

Let's be in touch...

  • Do you know some usefull B2B FinTech services or scenarios to be shared?
  • Do you hava some problem which could be solved by B2B FinTech services?
  • Are you one of B2B FinTEch players and would you like to be informed about news from this area?

Nothing simplier, just let us know ;-)

Roman Řípa - B2B FinTech.cz






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