B2B FinTech.cz
New Financial Services for SME & Enterprises
- FinTech* can deliver high value to large audience.
- But it has also high barriers.
- Many of them are just in the heads of people engaged.
- So how to move faster in Fintech?
- Discovery of the value in B2B fintech is not a simple task. Nor its delivery, communication and sales.
* new financial services based on the new possibilities of information technologies
Live & Comprehensive B2B Fintech Community
Live & Comprehensive B2B Fintech Community
Juicy & Understandable B2B FinTech Scenarios
Juicy & Understandable B2B FinTech Scenarios
- B2B Fintech usage scenarios are purely abstract pieces of work. You cannot see, touch, taste them.
- Moreover you need to communicate several messages at once. How does it work? What are the benefits for who? Where are the money for who?
- Let us discover the right format jointly.
B2B FinTech Scenario Cards - Invitation to discover greater detail
Enriched Payment Data Standard
Enriched Payment Data Standard
Invoices Delivered By Bank
Invoices Delivered By Bank
Further Topics
Further Topics
Let's be in touch...
Let's be in touch...
- Do you know some usefull B2B FinTech services or scenarios to be shared?
- Do you hava some problem which could be solved by B2B FinTech services?
- Are you one of B2B FinTEch players and would you like to be informed about news from this area?
Nothing simplier, just let us know ;-)
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